Geografia e cultura sulla Sardegna
Mappa della Sardegna
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Itinerari turistici di Cagliari
Storia della Sardegna
Storia di Cagliari
I Nuraghi della Sardegna
Leggende Sarde
Storia della lingua Sarda (66 pagine)
Spiagge nel Cagliaritano
Trasporti a Cagliari e provincia
Cucina Sarda
Garibaldi in Sardegna
Dove/cosa mangiare a Cagliari
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Sardinia Unspoilt

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Sardinia Unspoilt
By Norman Miller, Evening Standard
Treading gently in the dappled shade beneath the cork trees I got within
20 metres of the wild horses before, with a chorus of snorts, they
ambled away through the Sardinian maquis.
The scent of wild herbs rose as I scrunched back towards the dusty road,
happy, but as far from the beach as you get on Sardinia
The Parco de la Giara in the foothills of the Gennargentu mountains is
Sardinian wilderness - even the Romans gave up trying to conquer it due
to the ferocity of locals who still have a reputation as Italy's
They were friendly enough, however, as I sat beneath the awning of a
ramshackle hut and drank mirtu, the local myrtle-infused firewater, with
a trio of men who wouldn't have looked out of place in a spaghetti
western, their eyes impassive above dark, droopy moustaches.
Like many visitors to Sardinia today, the Romans clung to the shore,
though how much time they spent lounging on the island's justly renowned
beaches isn't known.
Their legacy remains, though, at places like Nora - or 'bloody Nora', as
I christened it after opting to walk in the sun from the nearby village
of Pula - its ruins, on a peninsula, close to a lovely little beach
where you can cool down after delving into history.
Sardinia more than repays the effort of exploration. Long before the
Romans, the island was home to the mysterious Nuraghi people, whose
3,000-year-old settlements still symbolise Sardinia's proud sense of